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Improving quality of life in slums

Improving the quality of life in slum areas.

 The Foundation contributed to the development of slums in Greater Cairo, which included 12 slums in Greater Cairo with the aim of improving them, which extended its arms to improve the following axes:

They are as follows:

The educational axis: educational programs to improve the achievement level of children (acquiring reading and writing skills for the defaulters), literacy classes for mothers, and operating and equipping early childhood centers.

Human development axis: Implementation of human development programs for children and single mothers, and educational activities for children and broadcasting, including theater, music, poetry recitation, and training in manual and technological works.

Health axis: health awareness, provision of treatment for chronic diseases for those who are unable, periodic examination of children, and medical convoys.

Micro-enterprise axis: rehabilitation and crafts training centers for women breadwinners on handicrafts, support for small projects for mothers, and training of women in project management. Women in those areas participated in their production in various fairs and exhibitions of the Bank of Egypt for handicrafts


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